Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are the most common external parasite of dogs and cats. Flea allergy dermatitis is the most common skin disease of dogs and cats! Fleas also aggravate a range of other skin diseases. Therefore, scrupulous flea control is very important, and can be a challenge.
The adult stage is responsible for disease, but the majority of the flea population is in the pet’s home environment. In order to effectively control fleas, all life stages of the flea must be targeted. A description of the flea life-cycle helps one understand appropriate control.
The paralysis tick (known as Ixodes holocyclus) is common in the Redlands. Other (non-toxic) types of tick are occasionally found, but it is always safest to assume that any tick found on your pet is a paralysis tick. The “natural” host of the paralysis tick is the bandicoot, but other wildlife and domestic species are acceptable hosts. Native vegetation is the preferred habitat, so there not too many areas locally where your dog or cat is NOT at risk at peak times.
We recommend Bravecto or Nexgard which provide prevention against both ticks and fleas in one easy, chewable tablet. Tick and flea products available at our clinic include:
Nexgard Spectra - safe from 8 weeks of age, for fleas, ticks, heartworm &
intestinal worms, given monthly
Bravecto Chew - safe from 8 weeks of age, for fleas & ticks, given quarterly
Bravecto Spot On - safe from 8 weeks of age, for fleas & ticks, given every 6 months
Bravecto Plus (cats) - safe from 8 weeks, for fleas, ticks, heartworm & intestinal
worms, given every 2 months
Nexgard Spectra Spot On (cats) - safe from 8 weeks of age, for fleas, ticks,
heartworm & intestinal worms, given monthly
Revolution Plus (cats) - safe from 8 weeks, for fleas, ticks, heartworm & intestinal
worms, given monthly
There is a new, revolutionary flea and paralysis tick prevention option for dogs—one easy injection that provides full-year protection for dogs 6 months and older. This innovative treatment can be conveniently scheduled with your dog’s annual vaccinations and heartworm injection, making it a hassle-free solution for pet owners. In Brisbane’s warm, humid climate, flea control is essential as infestations can quickly become difficult to manage. Year-round prevention is the best way to protect your dog from fleas and ticks. Pair this long-lasting treatment with daily tick checks to ensure your pet stays healthy and safe from tick-borne diseases. Contact us today to learn more about this powerful protection option.
SIGNS of tick paralysis include wobbly back legs, change in voice, coughing, vomiting, laboured breathing, depression and disinterest or total collapse. Seek veterinary attention immediately!
Heartworm infestation remains an important disease of dogs locally, and in many other parts of Australia. For that reason, we highly recommend year-round heartworm prevention, especially with the once-a-year Proheart SR-12* injection. Proheart* SR-12 has an excellent safety profile, almost 100% efficacy and the unmatched convenience of once yearly administration by your Veterinarian.
There are also many excellent quality, highly effective, monthly-administered products available, of which we stock a range. If administering a monthly tablet or chewable, or applying a monthly spot-on product 12 months of the year is no problem for you, we are happy to make a recommendation for you. Combination products covering heartworm, intestinal worms and fleas are excellent value for money.
The common intestinal worms of dogs are roundworm (especially in puppies and kittens), hookworms (especially younger pets), whip worm (very uncommon in Queensland), and tapeworm. The latter are very common, and rely on the common flea as an intermediate host. Successful control of tapeworm involves not only an appropriate worm medication being administered, but also attention to flea control on the pet, otherwise re-infestation will occur very quickly.
Puppies should be wormed at three, four, six, ten and twelve weeks of age, and again at four, five and six months of age. After this, all pets should be wormed every three months, for life.
There are several excellent broad-spectrum wormers available. We recommend Milbemax and Drontal. There are also some excellent combination products, which include extra cover for heartworm and also for fleas. These products are administered monthly, thus providing exceptional intestinal worm control. They include Advocate (a convenient spot-on product) and Nexgard-Spectra (a chewable tablet).